8 Occupational Health Hazards In Oil And Gas Industry That You Must Know (Part 2)

In addition to automatically generating as-built drawings, the digital twin will greatly simplify maintenance planning and reduce the number people required on the operations team. The number of workers with higher education has been increasingly higher over the past years. This, to some extent, proves English has viral popularity among workers in Vietnam. After this, the sum of all purchase costs will be divided by the total quantity of the inventory on hand. Also, Vietnam’s integration in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) will open the chances for skilled Vietnamese workers with good English to earn higher-paying jobs in ASEAN countries. Vietnam workers have amazing ranking in the ASEAN countries regarding technical skills mostly because they are hard working. Along with increasing growth rate of the industry in Vietnam, especially when the Vietnamese government has allowed foreign partnership in oil and gas, English skills in many positions of this field are a must. Data from multiple sources can be used to train a predictive model that helps oil and gas companies predict imminent disasters, enabling them to follow a proactive approach.

So besides professional education, what oil and gas workers in Vietnam need is job training and experience before they can move up to skilled positions. While some make their way into oil and gas via other fields, many of them started down the ladder and developed to the top. According to a recent World Bank survey on workers in 7 ASEAN countries, Vietnamese workers is close to the top of the list in technical skills and working attitude. Following Einstein words “Genius is 1% talent and 99% percent hard work”, they have worked diligently to master their skills. When Vietnamese people worked in a team of their peers from different countries, they likely had good professional knowledge but found it difficult to express it due to language barriers. He worked hard, even could work 24/24 hours as long as the exploration activities were safely maintained. Not all, the fresh graduates are qualified to work in factories under the supervision of experienced professional in this sector only when they have finished a 6-month English course, and 3 to 6 months of internship. Performance in job and pay rise are often their motivations for hard work and continuous self-improvement. They often begin as helpers of experienced workers and learn skills on their job along the way.

Professional skills are incredibly important in oil and gas industry. Because a product of this type was not available, we created a probabilistic classification model of oil and gas resource potential to facilitate landscape-scale analysis. Specially, in the oil and gas industry, employees have initiated many creative ideas, which helps improve HSE, boost productivity, and benefits the companies billions of dong. Vietnam is one of the luckiest to have resourceful oil and gas. I know of no other investment vehicle that offers this and this alone is one reason it is popular with those who have done it. Oil and gas, undeniably, is one of most precious natural resources in any country that owned it. Like workers in other industries in Vietnam, workers in oil and gas industry are known for their diligence. Physical endurance is another typical trait of Vietnam oil and gas workers. Organic shales are the source rock for most oil and gas production.

You will maintain and repair industrial production and carry out Service Calls on Mechanical Parking Lifts. This trunk line will be used to provide at least two paths to ground for each tank. Engineers are asked to have at least 550 points TOEIC. I complained as usual and asked him if I could stay because I thought the fish would start biting when the water started warming up later in the day. The specific gravity (S.G.) of a liquid is defined as the density of that liquid divided by the density of fresh water. Professionals in this category are typically specialists in a particular area related to the design, installation, and use of specific kinds of oil or gas-related equipment. According to Rigzone, the oil and gas industry will be facing losses in the next couple of years as the Baby Boomer-aged workers begin to retire and there are less people with industry expertise to assume the vacant roles. The company white paper also said that organizations that leverage data to enhance business will thrive in the market and stay strong during unexpected market downturns. They build their transparent business relationships based on “Integrity with Performance” with a single minded focus to achieve business objectives.