California Governor Signs Bill Limiting Oil, Gas Development
The alternative to this unfolding disaster would be an aggressive, subsidized energy efficiency retrofitting program for North American homes and a campaign to get people to use less natural gas by changing their behavior. What is not so obvious is that low prices and contracting credit are leading to low investment in the oil and gas fields, in the coal fields and in alternative energy technologies and deployment. In their narrowest sense, inflation means an expanding money supply, and deflation means a contracting money supply. But whether the money supply is expanding or contracting, these definitions say nothing about where exactly that money goes. A: Unfortunately, local and regional authorities have no say in these matters and the DEQ and EPA are giving the oil and gas industry still unprecedented rights or have no legal tools to ask those industries to be more responsible. Faber would say that the government bond market is “inflating” though clearly we are moving through a period marked by generalized deflation. This occurs when we are either experiencing a transient panic or a generalized deflation in which money becomes more valuable as its supply contracts.
Recycling generates more jobs than landfilling or incinerating waste. Also, the multi-billion dollar King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC), coming up at Rabigh, near Jeddah, has become the main driving factor for jobs in the gulf region. Why should Canadians be made to pay the piper for gasoline, heating and stove oils or choose between heat or food this coming winter? But it will be useful in the coming months to notice to which sectors of the economy money flows as the deflationary forces of the credit collapse and the inflationary forces of government fiscal and monetary policy collide. So, my candidate for a surprise comeback this year or next is energy, even if the economy as a whole deflates more or just limps along at this level. The economy never uniformly inflates or deflates. That’s why some sectors of the economy can inflate while others deflate at the same time. Third, speculators noticing the trend plow money into the sector of the economy where prices are rising through such investments as stocks, bonds, commodities, real estate and derivative securities linked to these. To obtain financial peace of mind investors most recently sold stocks, commodities and corporate bonds and bought government bonds.
Now, what can be scarce or perceived as such is virtually anything: food, metals, equities (believe it or not), and even financial peace of mind. Second, people tend to hoard what is difficult to get, especially if it is essential to their livelihoods or their peace of mind, and this further increases its scarcity in the marketplace. There is, of course, solar space and water heating, and some people who have the resources will choose these options. And, the tragedy of it all will be that it could have been avoided or at least greatly mitigated by a sensible conservation program. Karaya is the least expensive gum, for this reason is widely used by incense makers. Even the current economic contraction will be no exception. But neither the Canadian nor the U. S. government seems even vaguely aware of the approaching crisis. When an acute crisis arrives in the form of a very cold winter or a persistent decline in natural gas production, the result will inevitably be serious demand destruction. At the time Faber reasoned that as manufacturing vastly expanded in Asia and global trade ferried the cheap goods produced there throughout the world, consumer prices would remain stable or decline.
There is no Wall Street paper mill that can turn it out as it does various securities. What may turn out to be truly scarce is energy. Right now the precipitous drop in world demand for energy has pummelled energy prices. First, what is scarce and in demand by definition becomes more valuable as people bid against one another to have what little there is of a scarce but necessary resource. Simultaneously, a bull market in raw materials would emerge as the supply of materials to feed those factories would lag behind demand after two decades of underinvestment in mining, energy, and agriculture. These prices are accompanied by record oil prices and agriculture depends on oil for every stage of its production. Oil prices seem almost certain to remain high as we approach the all-time peak in world oil production. World Wildlife Fund. “If these actors work together and scale up what they are doing, the U.S.